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A Christian passionate about sharing my faith journey. This blog is all about encouraging and inspiring you to live a Christ-centered life. I’m grateful to have you here—let’s grow in God’s word together!

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Hello darling,

Welcome back to the blog! Walking through secular spaces as a Christian, oh, where do I even start? It’s like trying to stay dry in a rainstorm without an umbrella. Whether it’s the workplace, university, or even a social event where everyone’s idea of “fun” looks like a scene from a movie I wouldn’t dare let my child watch, it’s not always easy to stick to your values. I’ve had so many chats with my sisters in Christ about this, laughing, crying, and sometimes both, about how to stay grounded in environments where God isn’t exactly the main topic of conversation.

Let me set the scene for you. I’m writing this blog in the one pocket of peace I could carve out this week. My house is finally quiet, Keyana is in bed (miracle!), and I’ve lit my favourite vanilla-scented candle. I’ve got my Bible open beside me, a cup of hot chocolate that’s more marshmallows than liquid (don’t judge), and a blanket over my lap. Honestly, I feel like I’m auditioning for a cosy winter devotional photo shoot.

Honestly, it’s a whole vibe over here and not the Pinterest-perfect kind—but you know what? It’s real.

This blog post comes from that place of realness the struggles, the awkward moments, and the trying to honour God while walking through a world that often pulls us in the opposite direction. Let’s dig in, laugh a little, and find encouragement together.

1. View Your Actions as Worship

One of the most transformative lessons I’ve learned is that everything we do can be an act of worship to God. From the way we speak to how we carry out our daily tasks, we reflect His light. When I began to approach my work and relationships with this mindset, I noticed a shift. Complaints faded, frustrations with coworkers lessened, and even moments of unfairness didn’t faze me. Instead, I chose to rejoice and sing praises to God while completing my tasks. This approach not only brought peace to my heart but also influenced those around me. Gossip and negativity had no space in my environment because I didn’t entertain it.

If we see each step we take as worship, God will change our circumstances and even our relationships. The peace that comes from focusing on Him becomes evident, and others will notice.

2. Stand Firm and Set Boundaries

It’s not always easy to say no to invitations or behaviours that don’t align with our faith. I’ve had moments where friends called me “boring” because I wouldn’t partake in certain activities. It wasn’t always comfortable, but I reminded myself that my identity is in Christ, not in how others perceive me.

Setting boundaries is an act of obedience to God. It shows that we value our relationship with Him more than fleeting pleasures or acceptance. Over time, I’ve learned to find joy in saying, “My fun might look different from yours, and that’s okay.”

3. Be Intentional About Your Foundations

As believers, it’s crucial to stay rooted in Christ. This means being connected to a local church, being surrounded by fellow believers, and maintaining a personal relationship with God. Without these foundations, it becomes easier to waver in our faith when faced with secular influences.

I can’t stress enough how important prayer and Bible study are in keeping us grounded. A solid prayer life equips us to handle the challenges of the world. Reading Scripture helps us discern God’s will and provides strength for the journey.

4. Watch Your Influence and Guard Your Heart

It’s easy to get drawn into behaviours that don’t reflect Christ, especially in environments where gossip or negativity thrive. I’ve found myself guilty of engaging in conversations that didn’t glorify God, only to feel convicted later. But as the Holy Spirit reminds us, we must guard our hearts and intentionally choose actions that align with our faith.

This might look like stepping away from gossip or gently redirecting conversations toward positivity. It could also mean reevaluating what we allow into our minds through media, music, or even the company we keep.

5. Keep Your Eyes Fixed on Jesus

Comparison is one of the enemy’s greatest tools to steal our joy. Whether it’s comparing our lives to those of others or feeling tempted by what the world offers, the key is to focus on Jesus. Nothing the world provides, no success, relationship, or fleeting pleasure, can compare to the joy and fulfilment found in Christ.

A sister in Christ recently reminded me, “Don’t sacrifice the permanent for the immediate.” This perspective shift helps me prioritize my eternal relationship with God over temporary desires.

6. Choose Joy in All Circumstances

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed in secular spaces, especially when we’re striving to reflect Christ. But even in the toughest moments, choosing joy and gratitude makes a difference.

More Encouragement For You!

Remember, we are not alone in this walk. Surround yourself with a community of believers who will encourage and support you. Lean into prayer and Scripture, and don’t be afraid to set boundaries where needed. Most importantly, trust that God has placed you in your environment for a purpose.

Whether you’re at work, in school, or engaging with friends, your presence as a follower of Christ can plant seeds that point others to Him. So take heart, stand firm, and shine His light wherever you go!

So, here we are at the end of this little heart-to-heart. If you’re still reading, you’re either deeply invested in this topic or you just really like behind-the-scenes chaos (no judgment either way). But seriously, I hope you’ve found some encouragement in this.

Remember, sister, living out your faith in secular spaces doesn’t mean you have to walk around with a megaphone shouting Bible verses at your coworkers (although, if you’ve done that, please tell me the story, I need a good laugh). It’s about showing up authentically, grounded in Christ, and letting His light shine through your actions, words, and even your attitude when things don’t go your way.

Next time you find yourself in a challenging environment, think back to this little chat. Picture me, marshmallow-filled hot chocolate in hand, passionately typing. If I can write about faith while living in my version of organised chaos, you can absolutely stand firm in yours.

Oh, and don’t forget, God has got you. He’s placed you in your unique space for a purpose, even if that purpose sometimes feels like just surviving the day without compromising your faith. Lean into Him, laugh through the awkward moments, and know that you’re never alone.

Here’s to walking through this wild world with a little humour, a lot of grace, and an unshakeable faith in the One who holds it all together.

With love and a few marshmallow crumbs,
Your sister in Christ 💕

Scherise. X

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