Hello darling,
Welcome back to the blog! Making decisions can feel like standing at the edge of a cliff, looking down, wondering if you’ll land in a sea of peace or face-plant into a mess of confusion. Does anyone else feel like this sometimes? I mean, whether it’s choosing between two equally delicious sounding dinner options (we’ve all been there), deciding whether to take that new job or making life-altering decisions like moving cities or buying a house…it’s never just about the decision, is it? There’s that pressure, the uncertainty, the fear of the unknown, and if we’re being real, sometimes a little panic.
But here’s the thing, as Christians, we don’t have to make those decisions alone. In fact, when we involve God, it’s like bringing in a GPS system that’s already mapped out the whole journey. Sure, we still might hit a detour now and then, but His guidance will steer us in the right direction. Honestly, this whole idea of “making decisions with God” didn’t fully click for me until I found myself trying to juggle my daily choices with the same amount of finesse I use to juggle a cup of coffee and my phone (which I’ve almost dropped 27 times this week…don’t judge). But the more I allowed God into those moments, the more peace I found.
So today, grab your favourite drink (whether that’s coffee, tea, or the most comforting thing you can find), and let’s talk about how inviting God into your decision-making process is like taking a deep breath after a long sprint. It’s necessary, it’s calming, and trust me—once you start, you won’t want to make any decision without Him.
Involving God in Every Decision
Okay, can we just admit something together? Sometimes we make decisions and we forget to check in with God first. Like when you decide to eat that second slice of cake without asking for God’s guidance…and then you feel the conviction while also wiping chocolate crumbs from your mouth (guilty 🙈). But I’ve learned that no decision is too small for God. Seriously. You may think, “God doesn’t care what I have for lunch” (and I used to think that too). But one day, I had a sandwich dilemma, and I decided to ask God what He thought. Was He going to say, “Go for the turkey and cheese”? Maybe. But what happened instead was this moment of realising that God truly cares about every detail of our lives. Even my sandwich.
In all seriousness, when you bring God into the decision-making process, everything changes. It’s like getting clarity in a foggy room. What used to feel confusing, rushed, and chaotic suddenly starts to make sense. For example, I remember when I was facing a big career change. I was stressing, sending out my resume like it was a weekly newsletter, and nothing seemed to be working. But then I took a moment to pray, asking God for direction and, within the next week, things shifted. The job I had applied for months earlier called me, and everything just fell into place.
What I’ve learned is that when you bring God in, it’s not just about getting an answer. It’s about receiving peace. Sometimes, that peace comes in the form of stillness when God tells you to wait. Other times, He moves you to act, and there’s this confidence that rises up in your heart. It’s supernatural. I know, sounds a bit dramatic, right? But trust me, there’s nothing like it.
Trusting God’s Timing
Here’s where I really had to learn to chill. Let me take you back to a time when I was desperate for everything to happen yesterday. Does anyone else struggle with patience? It’s like if I want something to happen, I want it NOW. But that’s not always how God works, and I had to learn that the hard way. There were times I would push and force decisions to happen in my own timing, only to realise that I was stepping out of God’s perfect timing. And trust me, stepping out of His timing is like trying to run a marathon with flip-flops on it’s just not going to work.
It wasn’t until I took a deep breath, stopped running around like a chicken with my head cut off, and learned to trust God’s perfect timing that I began to see the doors open. And here’s the kicker: when you allow God to lead you, you start to understand that His timing is never too late, it’s always right on time.
I’ve had situations where I thought things were closing for me. Like I was looking for a job, but doors seemed shut tight. I remember sitting there, frustrated, ready to just settle for anything, and then bam the perfect opportunity came up. It wasn’t my timing, it wasn’t my plan, but it was God’s, and it worked out better than I could have imagined.
Moving with Faith, Not Fear
Let’s get real. Fear loves to show up uninvited. Whether it’s fear of failure, fear of rejection, or just plain fear of what is going to happen next, we all face it. I’ve been in places where the fear of making the wrong decision completely paralyzed me. I would stand at a crossroads, indecisive, trying to see the whole picture before taking the first step. But here’s what I’ve learned: faith isn’t about knowing the end result before you start. It’s about trusting God enough to move, even when you don’t have all the answers. Even when your list of pros and cons doesn’t add up.
When I chose to trust God with a big leap, there was no magical moment of clarity or grand revelation, but there was something even better: peace. And sometimes, that’s the best feeling in the world. It’s like the calm before the storm, but the storm is your growth, your change, and your transformation.
The Peace of Surrender
This is where I get a little emotional. There’s a peace that comes when we finally surrender everything to God. It’s a peace that passes all understanding. I’ve had moments where I’ve been stressed to the max, trying to control every little thing in my life. But the moment I surrendered it to God? Peace. Total peace.
And honestly, the peace doesn’t always come immediately. But as I walk by faith, every step I take with Him brings more peace. And it’s a peace that’s not dependent on circumstances. It’s the kind of peace that holds you steady when everything around you is shaking.
Learning from Mistakes
Alright, I’ll be honest: I’ve made plenty of mistakes. Plenty. Not consulting God has led me down some interesting (and slightly regrettable) paths. But the beauty of God’s grace is that He’s always there to guide us back. Even when we mess up, He’s ready to pick us up, dust us off, and help us get back on track. No judgment. Just love.
And sometimes, those mistakes are exactly what God uses to teach us. They don’t define us. Instead, they refine us, and we learn to trust Him even more deeply.
God’s Miracles Don’t Always Make Sense
Here’s a fun little fact: God’s miracles don’t usually come with a “How To” manual. His ways don’t always make sense to us, but that’s where faith kicks in. I’ve had situations where everything looked impossible on paper, but God showed up in a big way. And trust me, it was better than any plan I could’ve come up with. It felt like jumping off a cliff but landing in a miracle.
Trusting God can feel like taking that leap, but when you do, you find out just how solid His promises are. And that leap? It leads you to something greater than you could ever imagine.
Making decisions is never easy, and let’s face it: sometimes it feels overwhelming. But when we choose to invite God into our decision-making process, things start to look different. Peace replaces anxiety, faith replaces fear, and clarity replaces confusion.
If you’re feeling unsure about your next step, remember that you don’t have to figure it out all by yourself. God is right there, waiting to guide you. Take that leap of faith. Trust Him with all your heart, and watch how He leads you exactly where you need to go.
So, my dear sister in Christ, next time you’re standing in front of a big decision (or a second slice of cake), remember that God’s got it. He’s got you. Take a deep breath, and trust that He’s already worked it all out. And if you ever need to chat about trusting God with decisions, you know where to find me!
Sending blessings to you!
Your sister in Christ 💖
Scherise. X
I value your views on the matter. Your style is captivating and your thoughts you shared are very important. Keep it up!
Aww, thank you so much! That truly means a lot. I’m grateful that my words resonated with you. I pray they continue to encourage and inspire! God bless you! 💕